Having a great cv is the key to getting over the first hurdle when it comes to any job application –  especially if its through a recruiter such as ourselves. Here are a few tips to ensure your CV not only stands out but also gives you the best opportunity to reach the next stage of a job application. Over the next few weeks we’ll bring you 10 small tips on how to make the most of your CV! 

10. Get someone else to read your CV. 

Finally get someone you know to proof read it  – not only for spelling and so on but to make sure it reads well, is easy to follow and to see if what they are reading matches their experiences of you!

Your CV is your initial chance to create a good impression and one of the most important documents you will make. Although we and other good recruiters know that there is more to a person beyond the CV and that it is only one element of who you are, receiving the CV can often be the first contact we have with you and so you need to ensure you make a good first

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