So, you’ve been through the application process, crossed the first few hurdles and have secured a job interview — congratulations! Now it’s time to prepare, and we’ve got you covered. Over the next few posts you’ll learn:

  • How to prepare your answering technique to the interview questions
  • Prepare your own questions for employers
  • Make a great first impression
  • What to bring to the interview
  • Tips on good manners and body language
  • How to win them over with your authenticity and positivity

Interviews are not something to be afraid or overly worried about, as we often remind our clients, interviews are a two way street and the interview process is as much about you interviewing the potential employer as it is them interviewing you. The main thing to remember is – just as in your CV – to be truthful and to be yourself during the interview and to take note of the posts over the next few weeks for tips and pointers to help you make the best, truthful impression and have a positive interview experience where the potential employer gets all the information they need about you and you get all the information you need from them. 

Tip 3 – Prepare smart questions:

Interviews are a two-way street, good  potential employers expect you to ask questions, they want to know that you’re thinking seriously about what it would be like to work there. Here are some questions you may want to consider asking your interviewers:

“Can you explain some of the day-to-day responsibilities for this job?”

“How would you describe the characteristics of someone who would succeed in this role?”

“If I were in this position, how would my performance be measured? How often?”

“What departments does this team work with regularly? How do these departments typically collaborate? What does that process look like?”

“What are the challenges you’re currently facing in your role?”

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