During these unprecedented times of lockdown, travel restrictions and social distancing due to Corvid-19 how does the recruitment industry, businesses and individuals conduct that first initial interview? Well – as with a lot of business meetings we are turning to technology and video conferencing facilities to undertake the interview process – a thing that was starting to emerge before the current crisis and is likely to be here to stay when things turn into the “New Normal” – at least for that initial interview! We found these 10 useful tips for successful video interviewing – applicable to both candidate and interviewer – on the HuffPost website!
8 of 10: Use Post-Its or index cards to remind yourself of these tips.
If you need helpful reminders of all these video-specific tips (e.g., look at the webcam! Smile! Speak clearly!) or if you need talking points for your interview, put post-its or tape index cards to your computer monitor to remind you. This way, you see these hints in real time as you’re interviewing.